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All-hands Meeting
The NSF EPSCoR RII Symposium took place on Monday, May 11, 2009 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The symposium featured four 'anchor' presentations on CyberTools/Science Driver interactions, a poster competition, an outreach/education session, and plenty of opportunities for networking. Find the Symposium's presentations and posters here.
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About LONI
The Louisiana Optical Network Initiative, called LONI, is a high-speed, fiber-optic network that connects supercomputers at Louisiana's premier universities: Louisiana State University, Louisiana Tech University, LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport, Southern University, Tulane University, University of Louisiana at Lafayette and University of New Orleans, allowing greater collaboration on research that produces results faster and with greater accuracy.
LONI puts the state on the National Lambda Rail, allowing Louisiana researchers to collaborate with scientists around the country and the world on major initiatives. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco has committed $40 million throughout a 10-year period to fund and advance LONI.
LONI connects supercomputers at the participating universities and other computing resources throughout Louisiana, and centers around a 50-teraflops supercomputer called Queen Bee. Located in the state Information Systems Building in downtown Baton Rouge, Queen Bee is the core cluster of LONI and one of the Top 25 supercomputers in the world. The supercomputers name comes from a nickname of Governor Blanco, and it was named to honor her commitment to building LONI during her administration. Queen Bee will provide the advanced computational power businesses are seeking and allow them to harness LONI networking capabilities.
For more information on how to access LONI, please visit
The LONI footprint follows. Please click on it in order to view a larger image.