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First 'All-hands' Meeting

On October 18th, the first All-hands Meeting for the NSF RII award took place in Baton Rouge. As members of the RII Advisory Board, Ron Hutchins, Jordan Konisky, and Vince McCoy were present. Two of the LONI Institute fellows attended the meeting as well. You can download presentations of Drs. Allen, Cortez, Gaver, Khonsari, and Seidel. Here are pictures and a few more details on the meeting. [Other News]

CyberTools Summary

Computation joins theory and experiment as the third pillar of scientific investigation and around the world computation is now recognized as essential technology for nations in terms of scientific leadership, economic competitiveness and national security. Computational science --- the use of advanced computing capabilities to understand and solve today's complex problems in science, engineering and the humanities --- requires significant advances in hardware, software, algorithms, visualization, as well as the underlying domains. The state of Louisiana has responded to this need by providing advanced infrastructure, through the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative, to its researchers who now have access to over 100 TFlops of compute power connected to each other, and the rest of the nation, via high speed optical networks. The state has also funded new initiatives such as LSU's Center for Computation & Technology and ULL's LITE Center to develop the projects and supporting infrastructures needed for interdisciplinary research.

The CyberTools project brings together leading researchers in computational science from across Louisiana to develop an advanced cyberinfrastructure which provides the software tools to leverage the LONI resources for scientific research. Now funded by the NSF through the EPSCOR Research Infrastructure program, CyberTools will work with targeted application groups to integrate, extend, and deploy a range of coordinated services necessarily for next generation applications. Organized into four workpackages, CyberTools is a collaboration of nine Louisiana research institutions.