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First 'All-hands' Meeting

On October 18th, the first All-hands Meeting for the NSF RII award took place in Baton Rouge. As members of the RII Advisory Board, Ron Hutchins, Jordan Konisky, and Vince McCoy were present. Two of the LONI Institute fellows attended the meeting as well. You can download presentations of Drs. Allen, Cortez, Gaver, Khonsari, and Seidel. Here are pictures and a few more details on the meeting. [Other News]

Description of Work Package 3

Visualization is a key component of all projects. Its integration into the problem domain can be a daunting task, while Grid and virtual environments add complexity to visualization that can further limit its use. Our team will integrate, leverage, and build on our combined visualization activities (e.g., NSF CAREER, MRI, CCT, LITE), helping drive LONI-based research and educational use of Louisiana visualization infrastructure. WP3 has four main components.

Data and visualization integration.

A large fraction of visualization efforts is consumed helping scientists migrate their data into proper formats. We will create a base data integration architecture to facilitate conversion from scientific data formats into a visualization format which will enable front-end visualization - a first look at scientists' data with core visualization techniques. This will be integrated into the HD streaming visualization service (below) to enable scientists to share and discuss their results over LONI. We will also develop and integrate automation for providing front-end visualization as a network service.

HD streaming visualization.

Working with a Czech team, CCT has developed expertise in HD (1920x1080) uncompressed streaming video over optical networks. This has latency an order-magnitude lower than compressed video, but requires optical network bandwidth (1.5 Gbits). This technology has proved a great asset for remote sharing of high-resolution visualizations. HD visualization services will be available through interfaces (APIs) developed in WP4, and may be co-scheduled with computation or data resources using HARC. Leveraging of advanced visualization and interaction facilities. Several participating sites (ULL, LSU, SUBR) host advanced facilities ranging from high-end workstations to display walls and surround screens systems (CAVEs). These are being developed with support from both federal (NSF MRI, NSF CAREER, NIH INBRE) and state (e.g., $27M LITE visualization facility) sources. We will focus on providing visualization services that allow applications to scale from desktops to the most advanced systems with minimal effort. We will also provide training and support to foster Louisiana's expertise and usage of visualization technologies.